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First experience buying a 1/4 cow, and why

So I have been looking for grass fed beef options for awhile, somewhat tepidly, not knowing exactly where to look, but keeping it in the back of my mind.


Nutrition and better ways to feed the body is such a passion of mine, so  I was so excited when one of my friends referred me to .  FINALLY I found a great way to search out local farms who sell GRASS FED  beef among other things (organic free range eggs and chickens.)


Although it took me a better part of 2 hours to find ANYONE from whom I could buy 1/4 grassfed cow from before NOVEMBER of this year…and that was back in early MAY!  Who knew demand was so high, at least in the burbs of Chicago?!


Finally I found a SUPER CUTE PLACE somewhat near hear that had delivery date of only 1 month – JUST enough time for us to eat through our deep freezer.


SO WHY GRASS FED?  WHATS THE BIG DEAL?    If you watch the documentary FOOD INC from some eye opening info.




Among their findings:


In comparison with grain-fed beef,



  • lower in overall fat (thus calories, too)
  • lower in saturated fat
  • higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to be valuable in   promoting heart health and preventing diabetes
  • lower in harmful Omega-6 fatty acids
  • higher in valuable vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, the B vitamins thiamin and riboflavin, as well as calcium, potassium and magnesium
  • higher in conjugated linoleic acids, or CLAs, which may have powerful cancer-fighting properties.


Though its harder to find, you can definitely find 100% grass fed.  Many places finish their cows off with corn to fatten them up – takes away from all the benefits!  We learned today at the farm  we went to, to pick up our meat, that if the pregnant mom of a cow has grain, it cant be considered 100% grass fed because it has had a trace of grain in its life!  Pretty stringent from the American Grassfed Assoc, but great for quality control. We were also happy with this place – no antibiotics with the animals, no growth hormones, no chemicals in the ground.  They are 100% organic!

We also saw today at this farm how the moms give birth to the calves and then are weened naturally, always being somewhat near the calves after weening and then separated, so they can still smell them.  Then they go to a nearby pasture where they can still hear them.  I loved seeing that firsthand!


We then saw how they roamed freely eating grass and how there was a river through the property they could drink from.  Our kids got to even pet them.  When we informed the kids that the cow they were petting is the hamburgers we will be eating, all four just stared at us blankly.  Silence.  I think it was too hard to correlate hamburgers with a large living animal in front of them.  Over their heads 🙂


I am not a huge meat eater myself – maybe once a week, but we are excited to be on this journey of healthier eating!


My next homework?- finding chickens and eggs!

AWESOME NEW RESULTS of closing the diastasis recti with the TUPLER TECHNIQUE® with CASE STUDIES

I have seen such great things happening lately I had to post them!! These are just some of the great case studies for healing the diastasis recti with the Tupler Technique I have going on – WITH TOTALLY ROCKIN RESULTS!!!
Client HP was a first for me – a very roomy TWELVE FINGERWIDTHS diastasis with VERY DEEP connective tissue, and thought she would give this a shot before tummy surgery.  For my 5 weeks with her, we had our work cut out for us!  I couldn’t believe the quick improvements I started seeing in so little time.  She has now BROKEN my personal training record of bringing her diastasis together the most fingerwidths in the smallest amount of time – an astonishing EIGHT FINGERWIDTHS SMALLER in just FIVE WEEKS!!  Her connective tissue is healing and is actually shallow now on the top and the bottom!  Ask ANY surgeon and they would tell you this is NOT POSSIBLE.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6


This client had THREE hernias when she came to see me.  Though her diastasis wasn’t too wide, her connective tissue was so thin in three places that those organs  poked through,creating her 3 hernias.  Well helping clients reverse hernias is a particular love of mine, since I reversed my own during pregnancy.   Her 3 once very large hernias are nearly gone – the faintest traces which will completely disappear once the connective tissue has finished healing and that last little bit of diastasis recti is closed.
Week 1
Week 6
Week 8



A cute mom in her 30s with 4 kids, she closed her diastasis completely and now has ROCK SOLID ABS in only 5 weeks!

Week 1
Week 6
Week 8
CLIENT JG#1 This client had her abdominal surgery scheduled for 9 months – she wanted to make sure it was at the perfect time of year, when her mother could stay for the unavoidable horrible recovery period, a break in the demands of her job, etc.   She had done physical therapy for 6 months with NO CHA NGE OR IMPROVEMENT. She found me while browsing the internet and thought she would give it a last shot.  We had only 1 ½ weeks until she had to make a massive down-payment for the surgery.  She also had a hernia, scoliosis, and week pelvic floor.
 After  just 1 1/2 weeks, her diastasis significantly improved and her hernia got so small that she couldn’t even feel it, and wasn’t sure if she still had one.  She progressed very quickly in strength and technique capability and splinted .  She cancelled her surgery at the 1 ½ week mark and has since shrunk her waistline and now has rock solid abs.
Week 1
Week 6
This client also has 4 kids and a small frame.  She is also in her 30s.   She closed hers in just 5 calendar weeks and has achieved great strength, rock solid abs, and OF COURSE CLOSED her diastasis!
Week 1
Week 2
Week 6
Week 10
.5 VS
This client is a teacher in her late 20s and a mom of 2 kids.  Her technique was fantastic , she splinted, and she closed everything right up in 2 weeks.
Week 1
31 1/2
Week 2
Week 3
Week 6
 There is no reason to think “this is just how it is from now on” after you have a baby!!
AWESOME NEW RESULTS of closing the diastasis recti with the Tupler Technique

Diastasis Rehab Lose Your Mummy Tummy® Workshop May 2012 filling up fast!


I have a just a few more slots open for the Workshop!  I thought it would be fun to do a little promo with the few remaining spots.

The next two people that register with a friend each (along with their friend) get $10 discounts towards registration.  After that we will be near full capacity!

Saturday, May 5   4:00PM – 6:30 PM

Saturday, May 26 5:00 PM – 6:45 PM
Saturday, June 9   5:00 PM – 6:45 PM

D’Lite Building at Oak Park, IL!

Come fully prepared to start seeing MAJOR changes in your belly! 

  • Waistlines shrunk!
  • Diastasis repaired!
  • Connective tissue healed!
  • Hernias popped back in!
  • Tummy surgeries cancelled!

Because this will be quite a large workshop we are excited to do the $50 Best Belly AWARD.
Best Belly Award Considerations:

  • Largest Waist Inch Loss
  • Best Closure of Diastasis Recti
  • Best Before and After Pics
  • Best overall appearance by end of workshop

Sign up on the upper right hand of site.  If you don’t have a Paypal account, OR you have a friend to register with, contact me at and we can discuss other options!

My doctor says I need surgery for my diastasis recti – I BET YOU DONT

I would say nearly 100% of the clients I see for a diastasis recti that HAVE SEEN a doctor or surgeon specifically about their diastasis recti are TOLD that they need surgery.


First of all, doctors learn about diastasis recti for 1 paragraph to 1 page in med school.  Thats it.  Its not what they DO, its not what they specialize in.  Its not where they make their bread and butter.  The 2 second solution is to refer their patient to a surgeon.  Also, its most likely what they learned to do in residency – REFER TO A SURGEON.

I have found MOST do not know how to measure a diastasis recti.

They few that THINK they know how to measure, often measure incorrectly, or insufficiently.

I have had some clients that get a CAT SCAN to find out what their diastasis recti measures – SO NOT NECESSARY!!!

I had one client whose diastasis was 1 on top, 1 in the middle, and 1 on the bottom (measured in fingerwidths) who was told SHE NEEDED SURGERY.  I was literally incredulous!  That is practically malpractice!

Diastasis Recti are VERY COMMON – UP TO 98% of postpartum women have a diastasis recti.  So ODDS ARE if you are reading this, YOU HAVE ONE and can benefit from doing exercises that will close your gap, bring in your waistline, and put your organs back into their correct position.

Same things with Hernias!  Julie Tupler was at the Hernia Conference AGAIN this year, promoting the Tupler Technique as an ALTERNATIVE TO SURGERY FOR HERNIAS!!!  In her words, “Its “Mesh” and ME [at the hernia conference].  (Mesh meaning the companies that sell mesh to the surgeons).  Hernias can VERY VERY often be poked back INSIDE the connective tissue by bringing the recti together, and healing your connective tissue THROUGH the Tupler Technique.

So before you spend THOUSANDS of dollars and THOUSANDS of hours and minutes in pain and recovering, LEARN THE TUPLER TECHNIQUE!
My next post I will highlight some case studies about this!

Have you been told you needed surgery?  Did you look for other options once you were told you needed surgery for a diastasis recti or hernia?

Free Belly Check TOMORROW at Grand Opening of "Sense of Samadhi" Yoga Studio!

 If you are in the Chicagoland area and you want to have your belly checked for FREE for a diastasis recti, COME TO

SENSE OF SAMADHI‘s  – a yoga studio here in Yorkville, ILGRAND OPENING!!

While you are there, check out all the other stuff going on!!


102 E Schoolhouse Rd, Yorkville IL
(630) 881-1095

11:00 AM – 12:00 NOON

Hope to see you there!

NEW Diastasis Rehab Lose Your Mummy Tummy® Workshop for May!

I have been OVERWHELMED with interest for when the next workshop will be held!  And GOOD NEWS – I have dates,times location!!

The Workshop will be held at
D’Lite House, 18 Chicago Ave in Oak Park, Illinois.

The dates of the workshop will be:

Saturday, May 5    4:00PM –  6:30 PM
Saturday, May 26  5:00 PM  – 6:45 PM
Saturday, June 9    5:00 PM – 6:45 PM

To sign up click on the button on the upper right hand of the site!

We have had some FANTASTIC results with the current workshop we have going on!

  • All the ladies went down minimum of 2 inches all the way up to 5 inches in the first TWO WEEKS in their WAIST!
  •  Everyone HALVED their diastasis recti width inthe first TWO WEEKS! More results to come as we catch the last leg of the current workshop this week!

This upcoming workshop will be first come first serve. There is a limit to how many people I will take for this one.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Still a couple of spots left for the Diastasis Rehab® Lose Your Mummy Tummy Workshop!!

Coming up on Saturday – come prepared to embrace a completely different look in  your abs, heal your diastasis, pop back in those umbilical hernias, and shrink the waistline!

YES – all that can happen by coming to 3 days of the Workshop! (plus your “homework”)

Mar 3        9 AM – 11:30
Mar 17      9 AM -10:00
Mar 31      9 AM – 10:30

Where at?  Cornish Chiropractic in Yorkville, IL – suburb of Chicago.

****To sign up – look up and to the right!*****

BONUS PROMO!!  “Bring a Friend” Promo!
We all know that if you have a buddy to do exercises with, you are more prone to succeed.  Given the fact that up to 98% of Postpartum women HAVE a diastasis – finding a buddy might be a great way to start your journey.  In leiu of that, here is promo:

Bring 1 friend – you and your friend each get $10 off
Bring 2 friends – you and your 2 friends each get $20 off
Bring 3 friends, – you and your 3 friends each get $30 off

See you on Saturday!

My new LOVE – coconut oil – great for moms – skin, weight loss, wrinkles…

So I have been in love with coconut oil for awhile.  My husband is fully aware – he does not mind.  Especially after I told him there are 160 – (and more) uses for coconut oil.  Now he loves it too! It will seriously rock your world!

My favorites of the 160 are things my postpartum and pregnant moms will love:

WEIGHT LOSS! How you ask?  This one lowers the insulin levels in the body, which contribues to a SHRINKING “spare tire” look for your midsection.  This will complement everything you are doing to bring the recti together!! Also naturally increases metabolic rate.

On a personal note, I started using when I was 4 mo PP.  I was still at the sometimes stubborn 115 (for being 5 ‘2 this shows as being a bit too high.  My norm is 108-110).  I would generally eat this two ways – fry my eggs in it in the morning with a bit a sea salt – and OH HEAVEN!!  The other way?  I love it with homemade peanut butter on rice cakes – just smear some on the top – WOW!!  and YUM!  It seriously rocked my world.  I did nothing else different, and when I weighed myself a couple of weeks later – down to 110.

INCREASES MILK SUPPLY:  Attention all my breast-feeding moms – YES!!  You have to ingest 3 1/2 TBS per day.  This is EASY to do if you have it on TOAST, PEANUT BUTTER AND RICE CAKE, etc. 

I saw on Suzanne Sommers website (I think she has a lot of things right and some good quality eats!) that she was selling chocolate coconut bars made with organic coconut oil for $19.00.  Well, the frugalista in me thought I could duplicate that for way less! 

I mixed 3 TBS coconut oil with 5 TBS shredded coconut and thinly sliced almonds. I formed little coconut patties on a silicone pad.   Double boiled 3 OUNCES of chocolate and then poured it on each one.  It made about 10.  Stuck them in the freezer for 10 minutes and WHALAH!!!  Maybe a $2 effort.

GOOD FOR WRINKLES:  YES!  You can put this right on the eye area, including the eye lids!  You can put this on the forehead.  In the winter (I like this one for night-time) your skin just sucks it up!!No toxins like most skin care products out there.  Lots of antioxidant properties!  Also – PUT ON YOUR BELLY AND THIGHS after a shower – reduces cell-u-lite!!  In both cases it promotes healing of the skin’s connective tissue.  ALL my clients ask about the belly skin – here you go!

INSULIN LEVELS: Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose making it great for both diabetics and non-diabetic.  Again – good news for the “spare tire” to shrink.

EYE PAMPERING:  Good for puffy eyes, eye bags, eye wrinkles!

CHAPPED LIPS:  Extra on a butter knife?  Use it on your chapped lips.  Makes them look (and taste!) good.  Natural SPF of 4.

FITNESS: coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and escalate energy levels, all of which help decrease your unwanted fat while increasing muscle.
NAUSEArub some coconut oil on the inside for the wrist and forearm to calm an upset stomach.



  1. Anti-bacterial (kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum diseases, and other bacterial infections)
  2. Anti-carcinogenic (coconut oil has antimicrobial properties so it effectively prevents the spread of cancer cells and enhances the immune system)
  3. Anti-fungal (kills fungi and yeast that lead to infection)
  4. Anti-inflammatory (appears to have a direct effect in suppressing inflammation and repairing tissue, and it may also contribute by inhibiting harmful intestinal microorganisms that cause chronic inflammation.)
  5. Anti-microbial/Infection Fighting (the medium-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found in coconut oil are the same as those in human mother’s milk, and they have extraordinary antimicrobial properties. By disrupting the lipid structures of microbes, they inactivate them. About half of coconut oil consists of lauric acid. Lauric acid, its metabolite monolaurin and other fatty acids in coconut oil are known to protect against infection from bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi and parasites. While not having any negative effect on beneficial gut bacteria, coconut oil inactivates undesirable microbes.)
  6. Anti-parasitic (fights to rid the body of tapeworms, lice and other parasites)
  7. Anti-protozoa (kills giardia, a common protozoan infection of the gut)
  8. Anti-retroviral (kills HIV and HLTV-1)
  9. Anti-viral (kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other viruses)
  10. Infection fighting
  11. Has no harmful for discomforting side effects
  12. Known to improve nutrient absorption (easily digestible; makes vitamins and minerals more available to the body)
  13. Nontoxic to humans and animals
So yes – I am taking the plunge when my tax returns come in and getting a 5 gallon container!  Aparently HERE is a good place to get it.  Once a month they have free shipping.  It is EXPENSIVE, but considering all its uses, worth its weight in gold! OH  – and make SURE You get the good kind or all the things touted will be questionble.  Nutiva is great!  Trader Joes also has some.  And Tropical Traditions brand is good!

Have you ever tried this?  Do you love it?  How do YOU use it?

Diastasis Rehab® Lose Your Mummy Tummy Workshop Coming Up!!!

Its that time of year again!!!  Workshop aroung the corner!  Purchase to reserve your seat.  Limit is 10 people only!!

Held at Cornish Chiropractic, 624 W Veterans Pkwy, Suite A, Yorkville, IL (630) 385.6200     

DAY 1: Saturday,  Mar 3,  2012                   9:00 AM – 11:30 AM

DAY 2: Saturday, Mar 17, 2012                 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM         

FINAL DAY: Saturday, Mar 31, 2012         9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

                                                ABOUT THE WORKSHOPS

·       This program is 6 weeks in length:  6.5 hours of instruction broken up into 3 sessions
·       Learn what a diastasis is and how it creates the “Mummy Tummy”
·       You will be given a strategy to meet individual abdominal needs, based on your diastasis
·       Weekly check-ins, updates, and motivation from your instructor
·       Unlimited access to your instructor via email, phone,  text, and skype
                                        LEARN THE FOLLOWING:

·       Basic anatomy of the abdominals
·       How to:
1.     Close the diastasis, flatten the belly, and shrink the waistline
2.     Splint the abdominals to approximate the two halves of the recti together
3.     Perform B.A.K.S. exercises properly – the Tupler Technique® foundation
4.     Get up and down correctly
·       Each person will be measured for a diastasis in 3 different areas, and receive a personalized          assessment for fastest results during the first class, and a follow up measurement at the last class to check progress

Advanced registration is required.  No day of admission.  COST:  $125 for entire 6 week workshop (in 3 classes).                                                           To Register: contact Bonnie Wayne:  217-719-9210,

Kettlebells for ABS? Not so much – beware the postpartum body!

So I see some NOT great things with kettlebells, especially for my postpartum gals!  One of these exercises is great, the other three – NO!  (The formatting is being weird for me – click below video)

Kettlebell Exercises for the Abs – — powered by ehow

In this video, I LOVE the first exercise for those of you with a diastasis, but who have already started STRENGTHENING the transverse with the Seated Tuplers.  If you can hold you transverse at the 5th floor, you are good to go for this one!

The second exercise in this video…UMM…a big NO for those of you with a diastasis!  WHY you ask?  Because of the SHEARING motion – it will make your diastasis worse!  IF you DONT have a diastasis anymore, this one should be fine, although I don’t like the rounded shoulder motion  – there is too much of that in everyday life that we have to undo!

The brings me to my complaint of the THIRD exercise – too much ROUNDING of the shoulder!  I work SO hard with my clients to undo that ROUNDED SHOULDER – such a problem for mom doing all those tasks that round the shoulders – nursing, feeding babies, food prep, computer, changing diapers – we need to constantly focus on opening up the chest and strengthening that upper back to CORRECT IT!  Also – look CLOSELY at this ladies abs – there is a FOREWARD FORCEFUL MOTION – which can CREATE  a diastasis!

My experience with kettlebells are to generally steer clear. Having said that I sometimes see decent exercises, but I feel too many of them are jarring for the shoulder complex in general, rounding of the shoulder,  and are prone to creating a foreward forceful motion of the abs! Some of the places I train at – when I see other trainers doing these with clients and see what is going on with their clients abs – I JUST CRINGE!!!! YIKES!