acai vs. blueberries vs. pomegranites

So ads about the acai berry are everywhere – facebook, hotmail, spam, etc.

So which really are the best bang for the berry?

There was a study with 50 different fruits and veggies, and of the 50 tested, blueberries by far had the highest antioxidant levels. So I was skeptical about acai being the in and the all of antioxidant power.

What is so big about antioxidants?

When we eat foods that OXIDIZE (AGE) our bodies, we need to counter it with something that will ANTIoxidize our bodies and thus stop the aging process from continuing too quickly. There are 7 MAIN classificiations of antioxidants, based on the color. Trying to get one of every color per day is the goal (red, orange, yellow, green, white-green, white, purple-red).

So anyway, based on one of the studies, here is what we get:

Per gram, the acai berry’s pulp, which is really all that is used of the berry, has an antioxidant potency of 167 while pomegranates have 106 and blueberries have 32. The high levels of acai’s antioxidants contribute to fighting premature aging, cancer and other health related issues. Much like the French attribute their low rate of cardiovascular diseases to red wine the people of South American can contribute their low rates of disease to the acai berry. The fatty acid ratio is also a contributing factor for lowering the risk of heart disease. Native Indians around the Amazon have relied on this berry for hundred of years. They even refer to the acai palm tree, which bears this fruit, the “Tree of Life” because it offers such a vast amount of berries with each plant.

I have had Acai from Hawaii, and it is really good. After i ate it in a smoothie, I just had this smile on my face because it just made my body feel, for back of a better word, just plain GOOD!

3 comments on “acai vs. blueberries vs. pomegranites

  1. Palomita on

    Love your new blog, Bon! I love acai berry, too – I drink 3 oz every morning along with a T. of flax seed or fish oil (depending on what’s on sale at my local health food store). I’m not a certified anything about nutrition, but I do A LOT of reading, and love it, too. I’m thinking about maybe becoming a yoga instructor, though…

  2. Tyler on

    i too am now a brazillian berry convert. i drink it every morning with breakfast and after dinner i have a shot for “dessert”. the juice my family drinks is a blend of acai/goji/pomegranate/grape.


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