Splinting Instructions / Video

Purpose: To mechanically bring the two halves of the recti together so the starting position of the separated muscles are closer together. This will make the Tupler Technique exercises much more effective. This can be done with the:

  1. TuplerWear Splint which you wear under clothes after giving birth
  2. An external splint (scarf) which you hold and use while doing the seated and backlying Tupler Technique exercises. This is used both during and after pregnancy.


How to put on a Diastasis Rehab Splint

When to Splint:


  1. The external splint should be held outside the clothing when doing the seated and backlying exercises.
  2. It is important to strengthen the transverse for a couple of weeks in the seated position before the splint is used for the seated exercises.
  3. You should strengthen the transverse for a couple of weeks before starting the backlying headlift exercises. The splint should always be used when doing the back lying head lift exercises.


  1. The splint can be worn underneath the clothing within the first couple of days after delivery.
  2. It should always be worn if a front-loading baby carrier is used. This will prevent the diastasis from getting larger.
  3. It should be worn as much as possible while doing activities of daily living.
  4. It should be worn while doing any exercise program.
  5. It should be both worn and held (as explained below) when doing the seated transverse and backlying headlifts.

How to hold the external splint when doing the exercises:

Seated transverse exercises:(Start doing this after you have done 500 transverse every day for a minimum of 2 weeks.)

  1. Place the splint on your back at waist level
  2. Cross your arms in front of your body. With your right hand, using an overhand hold, pull the splint on the left side of your body (at waist level) toward the belly button.
  3. With your left hand, using an overhand hold, pull the splint on the right side of your body (at waist level) towards the belly button. This hand will be underneath the right hand. So the hands will be fist over fist.
  4. The hands should be resting on top of the recti muscle. They can then feel the backward movement of the muscles when engaging the transverse muscle.
  5. Relax the shoulders as you are holding the splint.
  6. Hold as you do one set of 100 transverse exercises. Release after each set of 100.

Backlying Head lifts:

(Always use a splint when doing the headlifts)

  1. Hold the splint where you have a diastasis. If you have a diastasis at the top, middle and bottom of the muscle hold it at a different location with each set of headlifts
  2. If you don’t have a diastasis hold it at the belly button as you are most at risk of getting one here first during the pregnancy.
  3. Follow the same directions as above. The headlift is 5 steps. Splinting is step #4.

How to put on the TuplerWear Splint:

  1. Place the splint on your back at waist level with the Velcro on the outside.
  2. Hold the transverse at 5th floor the whole time while putting on the splint.
  3. Cross your arms in front of your body. With your right hand, using an overhand hold, pull the splint on the left side of your body (at waist level) towards the belly button. Hold that pull with your other hand while you Velcro it in the back on the top of the splint. What you have just done is pulled the recti muscle closer to the middle from the left side.
  4. With your left hand, using an overhand hold, pull the splint on the right side of your body (under the other splint) towards the belly button. Hold the pull with the other hand and then Velcro in the back on the bottom. You have just brought the left side of the muscle closer to the middle.
  5. If the splint has a tendency to ride up on you, you may want to wear a pair of panty hose (spanks) on top to hold them in place. Washing Instructions: Please hold your transverse in at 5 th floor when washing and drying this splint at a warm temperature. Make sure you Velcro the sticky ends of the splint to the Velcro padding on the back of the splint. This is important to do when washing and drying, as well as when you are not wearing it, so as not to damage the fabric on this splint as well as other fabrics it may come in contact with.

For more information, download a printable splinting instructions PDF.

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